Saturday, October 24, 2009


If you guessed me, you'd be right! I made it there and back and picked up a few goodies! Seeing as I was with the Boy, I couldn't really peruse the notions but it was still so-much-fun.

These fabrics were all *really* cheap and I don't know why I didn't get more. The fruits are all for some of these ziploc bags which I'm going to get around to making, I'm very excited.


  1. Awesome. PS I have some pre cut fabric someone gave me that they were going to use for quilting. Some are strips, some are squares. You want?

  2. PPS Soooo making some of the 'ziplock' bags!!

  3. Yes please! Would love!

    Aren't they great? I also am thinking of making some easy drawstring bags to take to the shops instead of getting the plastic bags for fruit/vegies.
